Terraria Wiki
Terraria Wiki

Note: The side length of one normal block is two feet. 2 feet = 1 block

Image Wing Flight Height Base Lateral Acceleration Multiplier Abilities Obtain Materials
FledglingWings Fledgling Wings 32 feet 5.57 None creating a Journey Mode character or in chests at floating islands N/A
Item 493-1 Angel Wings 104 feet 6.25 None Crafted

10 Feathers, 25 Souls of Light, 20 Souls of Flight

Item 492-1 Demon Wings 104 feet 6.25 None Crafted

10 Feathers, 25 Souls of Night, 20 Souls of Flight
10 Feathers, 30 Souls of Night, 25 Souls of Flight (Console)

Sparkly Wings(0) Sparkly Wings
This item is found only in the 3DS version(s) of Terraria.
104 feet 6.25 None Crafted/Purchased from dryad during blood moon 10 Feathers, 10 Souls of Blight, 15 Souls of Flight
FinWingsNoBackground Fin Wings 104 feet None None Reward from Angler N/A
Item 748-1 Jetpack 121 feet 6.50 Quick ascension by holding UP while flying Purchased from
Item 761-1 Fairy Wings 135 feet 6.75 None Crafted 100 Pixie Dust, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 749-1 Butterfly Wings 135 feet 6.75 Generates particles and light while flying Crafted 1 Butterfly Dust, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 1515-1 Bee Wings 135 feet 6.75 None Crafted 1 Tattered Bee Wing, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 786-1 Bone Wings 144 feet 7.00 None Crafted 1 Bone Feather, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 785-1 Harpy Wings 144 feet 7.00 None Crafted 1 Giant Harpy Feather, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 1165-1 Bat Wings 144 feet 7.00 None Crafted 1 Broken Bat Wing, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 1586-1 Cenx's Wings 154 feet 7.00 None Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 1585-1 Crowno's Wings 154 feet 7.00 None Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 1583-1 D-town's Wings 154 feet 7.00 None Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
LazureBarrier Lazure's Barrier Platform 154 feet 7.00 Hover by holding DOWN while flying Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 3592-1 Loki's Wings 154 feet 7.00 None Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 3582-1 Jim's Wings 154 feet 7.00 None Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 665-1 Red's Wings

154 feet

7.00 None Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 3588-1 Skiphs's Paws 154 feet 7.00 Hover by holding DOWN while flying Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 1584-1 Will's Wings 154 feet 7.00 None Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 3580 Yoraiz0r's Spell 154 feet 7.00 Hover by holding DOWN while flying Drop from Treasure Bag N/A
Item 2280-1 Beetle Wings 162 feet 7.50 None Crafted 8 Beetle Husks, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 821-1 Flame Wings 162 feet 7.50 Generates flame particles which produce light while flying Crafted 1 Fire Feather, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 822-1 Frozen Wings 162 feet 7.50 None Crafted 1 Ice Feather, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 1162-1 Leaf Wings 162 feet 6.75 None Purchased from
Witch Doctor
Item 2770-1 Mothron Wings 162 feet None None Dropped by Mothron N/A
Item 823-1 Spectre Wings 162 feet 7.50 None Crafted 10 Spectre bars, 20 Souls of Flight
Festive Wings Festive Wings 172 feet 7.50 None Dropped by
Item 1866-1 Hoverboard 172 feet 6.25 (10 while hovering) Hover by holding DOWN while flying Crafted 18 Shroomite Bars, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 1797-1 Tattered Fairy Wings 182 feet 7.50 None Crafted 1 Black Fairy Dust, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 1830-1 Spooky Wings 182 feet 7.50 None Crafted 1 Spooky Twig, 20 Souls of Flight
Item 948-1 Steampunk Wings Icon pc Icon Console 182 feet 7.75 None Purchased from Steampunker N/A
Betsy's Wings Betsy's Wings Icon pc 182 feet 12.00 Hover by holding DOWN while flying Dropped by Betsy N/A
Item 3469-1 Vortex Booster 113 feet 12.00 Hover by holding DOWN while flying Crafted 10 Luminite Bars, 14 Vortex Fragments
Item 3470-1 Nebula Mantle 236 feet None Hover by holding DOWN while flying Crafted 10 Luminite Bars, 14 Nebula Fragments
Fishron Wings Fishron Wings 286 feet 8.00 Increased speed in liquids Dropped by
Duke Fishron
Item 3471-1 Stardust Wings 413 feet 7.50 None Crafted 10 Luminite Bars, 14 Stardust Fragments
Item 3468-1 Solar Wings 325 feet 9.00 None Crafted 10 Luminite Bars, 14 Solar Fragments
Celestial Starboard
Celestial Starboard Hold down while flying to hover Dropped by

Moon Lord

(expert mode)



  • When flying at max speed with your head rubbing against a ceiling, you are able to fit through one block gaps.