The Wall of Flesh (commonly abbreviated as WoF) is an aptly named wall made out of flesh that is the height of the entire Underworld Biome. It is the boss of the Underworld and is the final Pre-Hardmode boss. Defeating it in a world for the first time will permanently activate Hard Mode for that world. It is summoned only when the Guide is killed by allowing a Guide Voodoo Doll to fall into lava in the Underworld. The Wall of Flesh moves constantly in the same direction, forcing the player into an on-the-run battle.
- There are several bugs associated with summoning the Wall of Flesh. Please see the Bugs section for more details.

You wouldn't want this to happen when you're not ready.
For the Wall of Flesh to be summoned, the Guide Voodoo Doll must be destroyed by lava in the Underworld, the Guide must die as a result, and at least 1 player must be in the underworld. If the Guide is currently dead when the doll falls into lava, the Wall of Flesh will not spawn and the doll will have been wasted. The Guide must die and the message, "[Guide's name] the Guide was slain..." must appear at the bottom-left corner of the screen. Killing the Guide by any other means will not spawn the Wall of Flesh.
A second Wall of Flesh cannot be summoned if one is currently alive in the world. However, it's possible to consecutively summon the Wall of Flesh on the same world, as long as they are summoned and slain one at a time. Also, hackers who managed to spawn multiple Guides will result in several bosses spawned with a single doll.
Warning: Slaying a Voodoo Demon while it's flying over lava and not catching the doll before it falls into the lava will spawn the Wall of Flesh if other requirements are fulfilled. It is usually preferable to spawn the Wall of Flesh by dropping the doll into lava from the player's inventory. Be sure to pick up all Guide Voodoo Dolls when they are dropped as lava can flow over the dropped Guide Voodoo Doll and burn it. This will also summon the Wall of Flesh.
When the Wall of Flesh is summoned, it will always spawn off the edge of the screen and begin traveling towards the world spawn point at the center of the map.
- If the doll falls into lava closer to the left edge of the map, then the Wall of Flesh will come from the left and travel towards the right.
- If the doll falls into lava closer to the right edge of the map, then the Wall of Flesh will come from the right and travel towards the left.
Attempting to Escape
- There are several bugs associated with the debuffs inflicted by the Wall of Flesh. Please see the Bugs section for more details.
When summoned, the Wall of Flesh inflicts all players in the Underworld with a debuff called Horrified. Horrified prevents the player from leaving the Underworld until they die or the Wall of Flesh is defeated. Attempting to use a Magic Mirror, Recall Potion, Teleportation Potion, or leaving the server and coming back while the Horrified debuff is in effect will cause the player to explode upon arrival at their spawn point, and the unique message, "[Player's name] tried to escape." will appear in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
If the player attempts to get behind the Wall of Flesh or leave the Underworld by any means, it will use a long tongue with a very far range to pull the player in front of it again, inflicting The Tongue debuff. While The Tongue debuff is in effect, the player cannot move or use items, and will likely take a large amount of damage as a result.
The Tongue may also come into play if the player simply stops moving or if they run too far away from the Wall of Flesh. Note that The Tongue is able to force the player to pass through solid blocks in the process of pulling them along. The Tongue can also pull you into lava, killing you or damaging you for the fight. If you die, you may be pulled back and killed again, making it almost impossible.
The Wall of Flesh has two eyes that shoot lasers, and one mouth in the middle. These three locations are its vital points, and they share a combined 8000 health. Damaging the eyes or mouth is the only way to damage and defeat the boss. The eyes have no defense and the mouth has 12. Note that occasionally the eyes may float beyond the player's reach, but the mouth is usually always within attacking range.
Small flying enemies called The Hungry float out in front of the Wall of Flesh. Initially, they are attached to the Wall of Flesh, similar to Man Eaters in the Jungle, however, if The Hungry take enough damage, they detach from the Wall of Flesh and will chase the player.
As the Wall of Flesh loses more and more health, several changes can be noticed. Its mouth will begin to "burp" out small, red worm enemies called Leeches at an alarming rate. Additionally, the wall itself will travel slightly faster and the lasers fired from the eyes will receive increases in damage, speed, and frequency. Should any of The Hungry remain alive in the later stages of the battle, they will gain additional defense and their attack rating will increase as well.
In Expert Mode, Wall of Flesh is seen to be significantly faster than his prior speed, posing map navigating harder as the players are demanded to plan out their routes fasters. In addition, getting pulled by his tongue will inflict additional damage to the player, possibly killing a weakened player. Like many other expert bosses, the Wall possesses a desperate stage, whereas at very low health it will zoom at players at a much faster velocity, capable of outrunning even players with Frostspark Boots equipped. Also, the Hungry respawn in expert mode. Therefore, the best way to win is to end the fight quick.
The Wall of Flesh will disappear if it reaches the edge of the map, crushing the player if they are in the way. However, should the player die while fighting the Wall of Flesh, it is possible to return to the Underworld and continue the battle. The Tongue will grab the player from a great distance and throw them in front of the Wall of Flesh. If the player fails to defeat the boss, they instantly die and the game will say "[Player's name] was licked."

A farewell gift from the WoF. The Breaker Blade, Pwnhammer and hearts as well as coins are shown.
When the Wall of Flesh is defeated, it leaves behind a square of Demonite Bricks or Crimtane Bricks containing all of its drops, so as to prevent them from falling into the vast lava oceans in the underworld. The message, "Wall of Flesh has been defeated!" will appear to mark its destruction, and the message, "The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released." will appear once the game has finished creating new Biomes to denote that Hard Mode has been unlocked.
Hard Mode
- Main Article: Hard Mode
Hard Mode will be unlocked when The Wall of Flesh has been defeated for the first time. In Hard Mode, the Corruption or Crimson will begin to spread through Stone Blocks, sand, mud, and even Sunflowers. To counter this, a new biome known as The Hallow will be generated the moment the Wall of Flesh is defeated. The Hallow and the Corruption (or Crimson) can slowly spread through one another and together they will spread throughout most of the world.
In Hard Mode, Demon Altars can be destroyed by the Pwnhammer (always dropped by the Wall of Flesh), causing new ores such as Cobalt Ore/Palladium Ore, Mythril Ore/Orichalcum Ore, and Adamantite Ore/Titanium Ore to appear.
Many new enemies are present in Hard Mode, most notoriously the Clown and the Corruptor (which, prior to version 1.2, used to be able to destroy tiles with thrown bombs and spread the Corruption with ranged attacks, respectively). Additional NPCs, such as the Wizard are also available in Hard Mode, as are a wide variety of new items and weapons. Powerful new bosses such as The Destroyer, The Twins, and Skeletron Prime await the player as well.
It should be noted that, like all other bosses, the Wall of Flesh can be defeated again on Hard Mode, making it easily possible to obtain all 6 of the possible drops in the Demonite Brick cube.
Recommended Equipment
The following lists contain some good ideas on what kind of equipment to use when killing the Wall of Flesh for the first time:
- A full set of Molten Armor (gives the highest defense, makes melee attacks more effective, easier to defeat The Hungry)
- A full set of Necro Armor (makes ranged ammo-consuming weapons more effective.).
- A full set of Jungle Armor or Ancient Cobalt Armor (makes Spells more effective.).
- A full set of Meteor Armor (makes Space Gun cost 0 mana, although the low stats is a challenge.).
- A full set of Crimson Armor (very high life regen rate when paired with campfires, and increases all damage by 6%).
- A full set of Shadow Armor (faster attacks+high defense faster movement speed).
An effective ranged weapon or spell:
- Phoenix Blaster with 400+ Meteor Shots or Silver Bullets.
- Demon Scythe or Book of Skulls with a sufficient number of Mana Potions.
- Minishark with 1000+ Meteor Shots for ammo.
- Molten Fury with Hellfire Arrows, Jester's Arrows or Unholy Arrows.
- Space Gun in case you run out of ammo. (Full Meteor Armor Only)
- Water Bolt with some Mana Potions.
- Sharanga (Console/Mobile only) with any type of arrows, since the bow will turn them into Spectral Arrows.
- Star Cannon with 60+ fallen stars.
- Aqua Scepter with some Mana Potions.
- Hellwing Bow with 1000+ wooden arrows
A decent melee weapon to deal with the Leeches and The Hungry:
- Night's Edge (Best used)
- Muramasa
- Fiery Greatsword
- Dark Lance
- Sunfury
- Cloud in a Bottle or Cloud in a Balloon (double jumping.).
- Spectre Boots/Lightning Boots/Frostspark Boots (running and flying, and if the player doesn't have a tinkerer's workshop, then you can use Hermes Boots/Flurry Boots and Rocket Boots.).
- Obsidian Shield (immunity to fire blocks and knockback, without a Tinkerer's Workshop you can use Obsidian Skull and Cobalt Shield.).
- Mana Flower (uses Mana Potions automatically.).
- Lava Waders (makes you walk on lava, so you won't have to worry about it, highly useful in expert mode).
- Flying Carpet (extremely useful as it can keep you airborne for a very long time without rest)
Many other accessories including but not limited to the Magic Cuffs are potentially useful. It is recommended to Reforge all accessories as necessary so that they will give defense boosts or attack boosts.
Misc Equipment
- Grappling Hook, Ivy Whip, Web Slinger, Skeletron Hand. (Hooks)
- Grenades (useful on a bridge).
- Beenades (useful on a bridge).
- Bee Gun (useful on a bridge).
- Lava Waders
- Dynamite (Will destroy the bridge unless it was made from explosion-proof materials)
- Ironskin Potions (+8 defense).
- Archery Potions (20% ranged damage and speed, bows only)
- Obsidian Skin Potions or/and Water Walking Potions (for dealing with lava).
- Healing Potions (at least 15).
- Mana Potions (for magic-users only).
- Magic Power Potions (again, only for magic users).
- Thorns Potions (for reflecting damage done by the wall).
- Gravitation Potions (for flying over/around lava or obstacles).
- Featherfall Potions (Alternative to gravitation potions, as some are more comfortable with these. They also prevent most fall damage.).
- Hunter's Potion (helpful for seeing enemies that spawn behind you).
- Restoration Potion (very useful if you run out of health or mana potions).
- Regeneration Potion (very effective at these times that you are left with low health).
- At least 2 Healing Potions. (Because the potential length of the battle)
- Soup (for minor increases in most stats.).
- Pumpkin Pie (similar to Soup but lasts 45 minutes instead of 30).
Any other buff potion is potentially useful.

The Wall of Flesh battle in multiplayer
- If you already defeated the Queen Bee, use the Beenades; they are really useful against WoF. Defeating the Hungry first and then spamming Beenades at the Wall itself is a very powerful move; however, you must have a sufficient amount of Beenades to do so and you must not use them on the Hungry or other enemies so as not to waste them. They will be able to kill the WoF easily without much of a fight.
- In expert mode, use the Hive Pack to make the bees more effective.
- Beenades are relatively easy to make.
- Always maintain some distance between yourself and the Wall of Flesh to avoid both getting The Tongue debuff and getting hit by its extremely painful melee attack. This will also help to avoid The Hungry.
- Get a large amount of ammo and use Minishark, be sure to clear out the Hungry with a melee weapon before you shoot the wall down. This is a time-consuming strategy and will likely require a long runway if used. If possible, obtain some high-damaging bullets and aim for the eyes.
- Make it a high priority to eliminate all of The Hungry, as they will get much stronger as the Wall of Flesh loses more health. Note that the Hungry respawns in expert mode, therefore this tactic is unusable in that situation. Also, like Brain of Cthulhu's Creepers, they can be easily hit and defeated with melee weapons,
- Having more than 40 defense will reduce the damage of the eye lasers and leeches to 1. This is useful as the wall will attack more rapidly the lower it's health gets.
- It is very recommended to reforge your accessories to Warding or Armored, because it helps to give more defense.
- Ranged or magic weapons are always advised to be used against the Wall of Flesh, as melee weapons are typically both riskier to use and less effective except against The Hungry, where melee weapons were more effective instead.
- Lava and obstacles in the Underworld are one of the greatest threats when fighting the Wall of Flesh, so make sure you have a way to deal with them.
- Sometimes it can be difficult to see in the Underworld, so you might want to have a source of light.
- Making a long bridge and placing heart statues along it is a very effective way to fight the Wall of Flesh. Or using campfires for better life regen.
- Using a Phoenix Blaster and a good count of Meteor Shot deals heavy damage quickly with reasonable cost to produce. Using this strategy and aiming directly for the eyes can be a very effective way to finish Wall of Flesh off quickly.
- A Demon Scythe with a few mana potions and a mana flower can take out the hungry and leeches while also dealing heavy damage to the WoF.
- When building a bridge, try to make sure there are no obstructions above or below so you can always have a clear line to attack the Wall of Flesh. If you do, make some Sticky Dynamite and blow them up when making the bridge.
- If the player has an Aqua Scepter, they might want to use it if they get into a sticky situation, as it pierces many enemies and does very rapid damage. However, it deals low damage per shot.
- Instead building a bridge, try to build a long railway from the center of the world to the end of the world. It is more time-saving, and easier to build (just go about 11 mph and keep placing railway in front, 16 mph if you use builder potion). And the most important of this thing is when you're beating Wall of Flesh you don't need to keep busy pressing those keyboards while handling the boss, you just need to adjust the speed depending how low the health of the boss is. This method is very useful for Expert Mode players because of the high speed Minecart.
- The disadvantage of making the arena with Minecart Tracks is when the Wall of Flesh is shooting lasers at you, it is hard to dodge. Minecarts just can jump, and the jump is low. But, you won't take any knockback, so you don't have to wear Cobalt Shield or Obsidian Shield to prevent knockbacks. Then you can use other accessories for the free slot.
The following is a list of strategies that can be employed against the Wall of Flesh. This section is concerned mostly with tactics rather than specific equipment choices. For equipment ideas, refer to the Recommended Equipment section above. This section is also tailored specifically to players who are having trouble with the Wall of Flesh, so refrain from posting strategies that require an immense amount of skill.
Bridge |
This strategy is the safest way to fight the Wall of Flesh and the most commonly used, though it can be time-consuming to set up and use for later fights, but it's worth the effort because of the potential value in Hardmode. For this strategy, prepare for the battle by building a long bridge in the Underworld. The bridge should form a perfectly horizontal surface and it should be above all of the lava. If obstacles such as Ash Blocks, Hellstone or Underworld Houses are in the way, simply mine through them and continue building the bridge or use Sticky Dynamite as a precision charge to demolish them. The result of demolishing some houses can prove useful if you also use them to make a bridge if they get in the way. The length of the bridge should ideally be 1500+ blocks long, so you will need at least 1.51 full stacks (999 blocks each) of whatever building material(s) you're using. While building the bridge, be sure to kill any Voodoo Demons you come across, but not when they're flying above lava. Wait for them to fly above your bridge and then kill them so that the Guide Voodoo Doll cannot possibly fall into any lava. Constructing the bridge will likely take somewhere between 15-25 minutes depending on various factors such as what gear you have and what obstacles you come across. If enemies you kill drop health hearts and mana stars, you might consider leaving them on the ground, as you'll be passing by later while fighting the Wall. When summoning the Wall of Flesh, make sure you stand at whichever end of the bridge is furthest away from the world spawn point at the center of the map, then throw the doll into the lava. This will ensure that the Wall of Flesh travels in the appropriate direction so that you can utilize your bridge. For fighting the Wall of Flesh, simply run backward along the bridge while constantly shooting at The Hungry and the eyes of the Wall of Flesh with your ranged weapon of choice. The Hermes Boots is essential with this strategy, as they will allow you to maintain a safe distance between yourself and the Wall of Flesh. As noted under Misc Equipment above, rolling Grenades and/or Dynamite along your bridge can work very well with this strategy. Keep in mind that Dynamite will blow up the bridge--unless it's made of dungeon bricks. Note that while the bridge remains intact, you can use it to kill the Wall of Flesh over and over again if you want to collect its various drops. Another good method is placing many areas on the bridge filled with spiky balls before the summoning. You might want to place them near the summoning area so that they attack it early on. This goes with almost any method, as the balls will do damage to the wall without you having to go to close to hit. However, this only does lots of damage depending on the amount of spiky balls placed. |
Improvising |
Improvising is basically a worst-case scenario, which usually only occurs from an accidental summoning (Voodoo Demon died above lava and the Guide doll fell into the lava). Just in case that this event happens, always bring a Water Walking Potion or Obsidian Skin Potion with you to the Underworld to deal with lava. Rocket Boots or a Grappling Hook are typically used to move around more easily. |
Flying |
This strategy uses Gravitation Potions to fly around lava and obstacles in the Underworld. Its main advantages are that it provides a lot of mobility and that it doesn't require a ton of preparatory work such as constructing a bridge. With this strategy, simply drink a Gravitation Potion and use the up/down controls to fly up and down around the terrain in hell, while constantly shooting at The Hungry and the Wall of Flesh. Two things to keep in mind with this strategy are that you could be in a lot of trouble if your Gravitation Buff runs out, and that, depending on how the Underworld was generated, moving around the terrain may be difficult or even impossible in some locations. This is a slightly more difficult strategy to execute than the bridge strategy, as it requires some skill and experience to use Gravitation Potions, and shooting while your altitude is constantly changing is more difficult than when your altitude remains constant. However, it's still an effective strategy and it requires very little time and effort to set up. Before using this strategy, consider practicing with gravity potions on the surface. |
Melee to Ranged |
This strategy involves attacking the hungry with a good melee/crowd control weapon. This strategy is very useful, as sometimes the player will find the Wall of Flesh is blocked off by the hungry, and, without Meteor shot or Unholy arrows, the WoF will be hard to hit. To execute this technique, the player must summon the WoF, equip a good melee weapon (Night's Edge, Dark Lance...) and destroy the hungry as quickly as possible. once the majority of the hungry have been defeated, switch to a good ranged weapon (Phoenix Blaster, Demon Scythe...) and attack the WoF's eyes. This technique will kill the WoF far easier than it would be if you just attacked the WoF with a ranged weapon straight away. |
- Rarely when the WoF is killed hard mode will not activate and it does not drop the Pwnhammer, instead it drops two items from the "Only one of these will drop" list.
- Also, there are reports that when the boss is defeated, the Pwnhammer does not drop, therefore, requiring a second fight before the player can make progress in hardmode.
- Sometimes, when attempting to summon the WoF for the second time (assuming it hasn't been defeated), it will not work, even if all the requirements are met. If this happens, simply exit the game and go back on, and it should work.
- The Horrified debuff might remain on the player after being killed by the Wall of Flesh.
- It has been reported that sometimes the Wall of Flesh may not be summoned when a Voodoo Demon is killed above lava (even though the doll falls in the lava and the Guide dies). This bug is shared by The Destroyer who may not appear when Mechanical Worm is used.
- If the doll falls into lava very far away from the player (completely offscreen), the Wall of Flesh might spawn without eyes, a mouth or The Hungry, and is completely invincible. The only way to escape this glitch is to have all players in the underworld die once, so the boss will despawn.
- Sometimes the Wall of Flesh cannot be summoned a second time on the same world. (To deal with this, you might have to reinstall Terraria.)
- Sometimes after defeating the boss, and then teleporting back home, the next time you start, the world might be gone. (To deal with this, try to play upwards of 5 minutes after killing the WoF.)
This is what happens if the player is too far away from the WoF after the player dies and the player can manage to see the WoF before despawning.
- Sometimes after you defeat WoF, some Leeches might follow you back to your house if you teleport.
- If the player gets behind the WoF, causing the Tongue debuff, you might get stuck in front of the WoF.
- On a multiplayer server if there are multiple people fighting the WoF and someone falls behind the WoF, the Tongue Debuff will activate, but the player will get stuck behind a block and will not be able to mine their way out, move, or fight until the next logoff.
- The horrified state stays only in a certain area, where you first threw it is, and all the way it came from the point the doll was thrown it, to the point of the end of the world in the direction the WoF came from.
- Sometimes, two WoF's might spawn, both fully realized and will drop loot independently.
- Sometimes after beating WoF, it might drop nothing.
- If the doll falls into lava too close to the edge of the world, the WoF will spawn and kill the player instantly, leaving the message, "<playername> was licked."
Frequently, when tossing the Voodoo Doll into lava, the Wall of Flesh may spawn going the wrong way (For example, the boss will spawn on the left side of the world, but will be heading left in the same time), causing it to immediately grab the player with its tongue, and then reach the end of the map within seconds. A possible way to fix this is making a place to throw the Doll, near the middle of the map, and have the arena spread sufficiently on each side. The WoF will spawn near the edge of the screen, and either head the correct direction, where the player may continue to fight normally, or the glitch will happen, and the player will be grabbed by the tongue, where they can start fighting normally after it releases. (Untested on PS3, tested on Xbox 360.)
If the WoF has lost around 75% of its health and the player(s) die, after a few seconds later the WoF will die too.
- Sometimes when the player(s) is stuck between a wall and WoF it will die at any health. As a result, the player is stuck using the item that was held when WoF died. Re-logging seems to not fix it either. This can be fixed by quitting the game and re-opening it.
- Sometimes when the player(s) enter Hell too fast after being killed by WoF, the boss might not have despawned, causing the player(s) to be dragged to the front of WoF and killing the player(s) almost instantly.
- The wall resembles the boss in the 1986 video game Abadox.
- If fought and defeated for a second time near an Underground Corruption or Underground Hallow, it has a chance to drop a Soul of Night/Light along with its other loots.
- If defeated during Christmas time (15-31 Dec.), it can drop a Present.
- If defeated during Halloween time (24 Oct. -10 Nov.), it can drop a Goodie Bag.
- Sometimes a Hungry stays if the WoF is killed. This is more likely to happen if it was already detached.
- Despite its flesh theme, it was added long before the Crimson.
- Hardmode actually starts immediately when the Wall is killed, even though the message displays a few milliseconds later. There is proof that it can drop a Soul of Night if in the Crimson/Corruption's vicinity.
- It is one of the only bosses who doesn't despawn by running away, hence there is no escape anyways. This trait is also shared by The Destroyer, who also just tails the players back to their location when they teleport away.
- It is the only pre-hardmode boss that can fire lasers. It is also the biggest pre-hardmode boss.
- This is the only boss that can be fought and defeated only once in pre-hardmode.
- Its tongue pulls the player at a max speed of 56 MPH.
Wall of Flesh Solo Guide - by Dunkston
Wall of Flesh Solo Guide - by Mathmagician
WOF Strategies - by Ragonoid
Update Info
- If the world has the Crimson instead of the Corruption, the Wall of Flesh's drops will be encased in Crimtane Bricks instead of Demonite Bricks.
- Now drops the Wall Of Flesh Mask.
- Now drops the Wall of Flesh Trophy.
- Added to the game.