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Terraria Wiki

The Vulture is a monster that is mainly found in the Desert biome. They can also be found on Sand Blocks outside the Desert such as the Ocean. This makes broadswords effective against vultures, as they can be simply knocked back as they swoop down. Their flight pattern is similar to the Eater of Souls or Crimera. Vultures cannot enter water so jumping into water is a good way to avoid attacks if the player is surrounded by them.

Attack Pattern[]

The Vulture roosts on Sand Blocks until the player approaches or attacks, at which point, it flies up in the air and then swoops in to attack.



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A Vulture spawned in an Intersected desert with jungle. NOTE: Used TerrariaViewer for finding

  • In an extremely rare case, Vultures can be found in a Jungle - if the Jungle is next to two deserts, sand blocks can mix in with Jungle terrain, thus making Vultures spawn. This can also happen with the Corruption, Crimson and Hallow.
  • In Hardmode, if the desert either becomes Corrupted or "blessed" with the Hallow, Vultures will no longer spawn.


  • As of 1.0.6, if the sand under a roosting Vulture is removed the sand will fall normally, the vulture will not. It will instead remain standing on the air.
  • Sometimes multiple vultures spawn in the same position. There are unconfirmed reports of up to three vultures in the same position.

Update Info[]


  • Should no longer appear to float in mid air if the Sand Block below them falls.


  • Added to the game.

Vulture spawning in an underground desert

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A vulture with half its body spawning in sand.

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A vulture ingame


Vultures can sometimes spawn in completely wrong biome, as long as there's sand they can spawn on.

Monsters (Hardmode Monsters are in italic)
Slime Monsters Baby Slime Ā· Black Slime Ā· Blue Slime Ā· Corrupt Slime Ā· Crimslime Ā· Dungeon Slime Ā· Green Slime Ā· Hoppin' Jack Ā· Ice Slime Ā· Illuminant Slime Ā· Jungle Slime Ā· Lava Slime Ā· Mother Slime Ā· Pinky Ā· Purple Slime Ā· Red Slime Ā· Sand Slime Ā· Shadow Slime3DS Ā· Slimeling Ā· Slimer Ā· Spiked Ice Slime Ā· Spiked Jungle Slime Ā· Toxic Sludge Ā· Umbrella Slime Ā· Yellow Slime
Goblins Goblin Archer Ā· Goblin Peon Ā· Goblin Scout Ā· Goblin Sorcerer Ā· Goblin Thief Ā· Goblin Warrior Ā· Goblin Summoner
Undead Monsters Angry Bones Ā· Armored Skeleton Ā· Big Boned Ā· Blue Armored Bones Ā· Bone Lee Ā· Dark Caster Ā· Doctor Bones Ā· Heavy Skeleton Ā· Hell Armored Bones Ā· Rusty Armored Bones Ā· Short Bones Ā· Skeleton Ā· Skeleton Archer Ā· Skeleton Commando Ā· Skeleton Sniper Ā· Tactical Skeleton Ā· The Groom Ā· Tim Ā· Undead Miner Ā· Undead Viking Ā· Vampire Miner3DS Ā· Zombie
Humanoids Chaos Elemental Ā· Clown Ā· Dark Mummy Ā· Light Mummy Ā· Mummy Ā· Nymph Ā· Possessed Armor Ā· Shadow Mummy3DS Spectral Elemental3DS Ā· Spectral Mummy3DS Ā· Werewolf
Mages Dark Caster Ā· Fire Imp Ā· Goblin Sorcerer Ā· Tim Ā· Rune Wizard Ā· Desert Spirit
Plant Monsters Angry Trapper Ā· Dragon Snatcher3DS Ā· Clinger Ā· Man Eater Ā· Snatcher
Burrowing Monsters Bone Serpent Ā· Devourer Ā· Digger Ā· Giant Worm Ā· World Feeder Ā· Tomb Crawler Ā· Dune Splicer
Flying Monsters Angry Nimbus Ā· Antlion Swarmer Ā· Arch Demon3DS Ā· Big Eater Ā· Big Stinger Ā· Bird Ā· Cave Bat Ā· Corruptor Ā· Crimera Ā· Crimson Axe Ā· Cursed Hammer Ā· Cursed Skull Ā· Demon Ā· Demon Eye Ā· Dragon Hornet3DS Ā· Dragon Skull3DS Ā· Dragon Stinger3DS Ā· Drippler Ā· Eater of Souls Ā· Enchanted Sword Ā· Floaty Gross Ā· Flying Fish Ā· Gastropod Ā· Ghost Ā· Giant Bat Ā· Giant Cursed Skull Ā· Giant Flying Fox Ā· Harpy Ā· Hellbat Ā· Hornet Ā· Ice Bat Ā· Ichor Sticker Ā· Illuminant Bat Ā· Jungle Bat Ā· Lava Bat Ā· Little Eater Ā· Little Stinger Ā· Meteor Head Ā· Moss Hornet Ā· Pixie Ā· Raven Ā· Red Devil Ā· Shadow Hammer3DS Ā· Spectral GastropodConsole Ā· Voodoo Demon Ā· Vulture Ā· Wandering Eye Ā· Wraith
Swimming Monsters Angler Fish Ā· Arapaima Ā· Blue Jellyfish Ā· Corrupt Goldfish Ā· Crimtane Goldfish Ā· Goldfish Ā· Green Jellyfish Ā· Orca3DS Ā· Pink Jellyfish Ā· Piranha Ā· Shark Ā· Squid
Hopping Monsters Bunny Ā· Corrupt Bunny Ā· Crimtane Bunny Ā· Derpling Ā· Giant Shelly Ā· Giant Tortoise Ā· Herpling Ā· Ice Tortoise Ā· Mimic Ā· Slimes
Mini-Boss Monsters Arch Wyvern3DS Ā· Dreadnautilus Ā· Wyvern
Boss Monsters Brain of Cthulhu Ā· Duke Fishron Ā· Eater of Worlds Ā· Eye of Cthulhu Ā· King Slime Ā· Empress of Light Ā· Queen Slime Ā· Golem Ā· Ocram3DS Ā· Plantera Ā· Queen Bee Ā· Skeletron Ā· Skeletron Prime Ā· The Destroyer Ā· The Twins Ā· Wall of Flesh Ā· Mourning Wood Ā· Pumpking Ā· Everscream Ā· Santa-NK1 Ā· Ice Queen Ā· Martian Saucer Ā· Lunatic Cultist Ā· Nebula Pillar Ā· Solar Pillar Ā· Stardust Pillar Ā· Vortex Pillar Ā· Moon LordFinal Boss
Boss-Related Monsters Dungeon Guardian Ā· Leech Ā· Probe Ā· Servant of Cthulhu Ā· Servant of Ocram3DS Ā· The Hungry
Immortal Blazing Wheel Ā· Spike Ball
Projectile Burning Sphere Ā· Chaos Ball
Other Albino Antlion3DS Ā· Angry Tumbler Ā· Antlion Ā· Antlion Charger Ā· Antlion Swarmer Ā· Crab Ā· Crawdad Ā· Jungle Creeper Ā· Mr. Stabby Ā· Salamander Ā· Snow Balla Ā· Snowman Gangsta Ā· Unicorn