Undead Miner are found underground in the stone layer. They are harder to find than the Skeleton. Its attack pattern is the same as the Skeleton; it will start noticing and going after you when you get close. However, if it cannot reach you, it will retreat and despawn.
- The Undead Miner can open doors.
- It appears to be wearing a Mining Helmet, which it drops as of v1.3.0.1.
- It shares its sprite with the Skeleton, though slightly altered.
- It and the skeleton make the same noise when attacked.
- In the console version it is somewhat found more commonly in the Glowing Mushroom Biome.
- A way to "farm" them is to make a large tunnel, covering possible spawn areas, and 2 holes 9 blocks wide and 9 blocks deep around you. They will collect in the holes and can be attacked with ranged weapons.
A somewhat good farm for the Undead Miner.
- Another way to farm them and other items, is to make a large tunnel located at stone layer, covering possible any spawn areas, using dungeon brick creating a 25*25 box. Place the farm in the middle of the large tunnel, this way mobs will come from both sides. Note the lava pits around the bottom left and right corners of the mob to neutralize them, while the top takes care of the bats. This farm allows retrieval of both armor drops as well as a nifty amount of coins, gels from mother and baby slimes, hooks, bombs, as well as the Whoopie Cushion. For the whoopie, a simple pillar with the explosives item, and a switch properly aligned. The middle will attract the worm to climb up in which the player sets off the explosives.
- It used to be called "Dead Miner" but was renamed to "Undead Miner" in version 1.0.4.
- Like the Skeleton, this monster can open doors if the path to the player has a door in the way.
- Until v1.3.0.1, this monster did not drop the mining helmet, despite its sprite wearing one.
Update Info[]
- Drop added: Mining Helmet
- Drop added: Bone Pickaxe
- Now drops the shirt and pants of the Mining Armor set.
- No longer immune to the On Fire! debuff.
- Renamed to "Undead Miner" from "Dead Miner".
- Health increased from 60 to 70.
- Defense increased from 8 to 9.
- Damage increased from 20 to 22.
- Added to the game.