The Hungry is an Underworld monster which can only be encountered by fighting the Wall of Flesh, to which they are tethered at the start of the battle. They have 250 health when attached, but will detach themselves to fly towards the player when that health is depleted to 80HP. In both forms, their attack ranges from 30-75 depending on the health of the Wall. They look somewhat like and initially have a similar AI to Man Eaters, but move faster and seem to have a longer reach.
These monsters will physically block non-piercing attacks made against the Wall of Flesh until most of them have been killed. As such, it is recommended that the player use weapons such as a Phoenix Blaster with Meteor Shot or a Demon Scythe in order to deal damage to these monsters and the boss at the same time. If you want to melee them, it is recommended that you use a long-range weapon such as the Blade of Grass in order to stay out of their attack range.

The Hungry can still survive after the WoF has been defeated
See also[]
Update Info[]
- Added to the game.