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This enemy is found only in the old-gen console and Nintendo 3DS version(s) of Terraria.

For the weaker variant, see Gastropod
The Spectral Gastropod, is an old-gen console- and Nintendo 3DS-version variation of the Gastropod monster. It is found in the Hallow after Hardmode has been enabled. Similar to the Gastropod, shooting the Spectral Gastropod while it is preparing its laser will cause it to retreat back into its shell and not shoot the charging shot.


  • Because they are just a stronger variant of the Gastropod, any strategy used for their weaker variants applies to them. Caution is advised when fighting them, however, especially with weaker armor and weapons.
  • They seem to deal around 27-30 contact damage
  • Upon death, they seen to explode in pink particles like a normal Gastropod

A player in some type of Armor attacking a Spectral Gastropod

Update info[]

Console release

  • Added to the game.
•At one point, the shell of the Spectral Gastropod might have been changed to be an actual shell instead of the smooth oval-like shell of the normal Gastropod

The image of the player attacking the Spectral Gastropod was taken from this Youtube video: https://youtu.be/Xshv-25EsT0
