The Solar Pillar is one of the four pillars that spawns after defeating the Lunatic Cultist. It will regularly erupt destructible fireballs from the top which can do high damage.
The shield around the Solar Pillar will be lowered after 100 enemies are killed (150 in Expert Mode) that is summoned by the Solar Pillar are killed near the pillar, allowing the player to damage and destroy the pillar. Exiting the game will reset this count. Crawltipede will attack any player that is airborne too long.
The enemies summoned by the Solar Pillar are:
The Solar Pillar is the hardest pillar out of the other fours, because most enemies will regularly deal over 100 damage and the roaming Crawltipede will ensure that the players will remain pinned down, therefore reducing the utility of airborne-strategies. One of the easiest and most common strategy is to build a skybridge above the pillar and attack enemies from above, take care to not jump too high, to not attract the attention of any flying Crawltipede roaming above the player.
With the Stardust Dragon Staff, you can summon it to aid considerably in the fight, they will even take the crawltipedes out by constantly damaging their tails, reducing the burden for the player to care of. Among other enemies are the Selenians, Srollers, Drakanians and Drakomites, wich can be very dangerous in high numbers. Corites can be easily disposed and deals lower damage compared to their cohorts and can be easily disposed off with ranged weaponry.
After the shield gets depleted, keep attacking it with your weapons. Try to attack it while in a Skybridge, to avoid the enemies down below (Keep in mind that Srollers and Corites can still pose a hazard for players following this strategy). When destroyed, take down the remaining enemies and collect the fragments. If this is the last pillar, you will still get a few seconds before Moon Lord awakes, allowing the player to grab the fragments and craft two Useful Endgame melee weapons: Daybreak and Solar Eruption.
Terraria 1.3 Solar Pillar-0
- The solar pillar is seen as the most challenging pillar by most.
See Also[]
Update Info[]
- Added to the game.