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The Skeleton Merchant is a travelling NPC similar to the Travelling Merchant who spawns underground in the Cavern Layer like bound NPCs, and despawns when the player no longer sees them on their screen. He has new offers at 4:30 A.M.


Item Price Special Conditions
Strange Brew 5 Silver Coin During Moon Phases 1, 3, 5, 7
Lesser Healing Potion 3 Silver Coin During Moon Phases 2, 4, 6, 8
Spelunker Glowstick 1 Silver Coin 50 Copper Coin During the night or the day of a full moon
Glowstick 10 Copper Coin During the day if there was no full moon
Guide to plant fibre cordage
2 Gold Coin50Silver Coin Full moon(Possibly only console plz check this i found it on my switch non-hardmode at around 4-5 pm ingame blood moon night)
Bone Torch 1 Silver Coin During the end of the night and the beginning of the day
Torch 50 Copper Coin During the end of the day and the beginning of the night
Bone Arrow 15 Copper Coin During Moon Phases 1, 2, 5, 6
Wooden Arrow 5 Copper Coin During Moon Phases 3, 4, 7, 8
Blue Counterweight 5 Gold Coin During Moon Phases 1, 5
Red Counterweight 5 Gold Coin During Moon Phases 2, 6
Purple Counterweight 5 Gold Coin During Moon Phases 3, 7
Green Counterweight 5 Gold Coin During Moon Phases 4, 8
Bomb 3 Silver Coin Always available
Rope 10 Copper Coin Always available
Gradient 20 Gold Coin During HardmodeMoon Phases 1, 2, 3, 4
Format C 20 Gold Coin During HardmodeMoon Phases 5, 6, 7, 8
Yoyo Glove 50 Gold Coin During Hardmode
Slap Hand 25 Gold Coin During Hardmode, Blood Moon
Magic Lantern 10 Gold Coin During Moon Phase 1
Skeleton Merchant's Quotes
  • "You would not believe some of the things people throw at me... Wanna buy some of it?"
  • "I'd lend you a hand, but the last time I did that, I didn't get it back for a month."
  • "You've got a real backbone coming way down here, how 'bout ya buy something?"
  • "Stay away from the spiders. They'll suck out your insides and leave you a hollow shell of a man. Trust me on this one."
  • "Excellent! Someone's finally come by to take some of these maggots off my hands."
  • "There's no illness or condition that can't be cured by some of my Slime Oil! Trust me, it works, just look at my lively figure!"
  • "The only things constant in this world are death and taxes, and I've got both!"
  • "Got any spare bones for sale? I'm looking to replace my broken hip... again."
Skeleton Merchant's Names
Note: Upon adding a new name, make sure you add it in alphabetical (ABC) order.
  • Billy Marrows
  • Bones McGee
  • Gloomy Mays
  • Jack Sellington (Likely a reference to Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas.)
  • Mandible Calavera
  • Mika
  • No-Eyed Wiley (Likely a reference to One-Eyed Willy from the 1985 movie Goonies.)
  • Rattles Magoo
  • Tom


  • The name Jack Sellington is a reference to Jack Skellington, from the movie, "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
  • The name Mandible Calavera is a reference to the game Grim Fandango.
  • The Skeleton Merchant is shorter than other skeletons in the game, and possibly the shortest of them all.
  • No-Eyed Wiley may be a reference to One-Eyed Willy from the movie "The Goonies".
  • Gloomy Mays may also be a reference to Billy Mays.
  • The quote, "You would not believe some of the things people throw at me... Wanna buy some of it?" may be a reference to Squirt the Peddler from Diablo 3.

Update Info[]


  • Added to the game.
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GolferHead Golfer Guide Guide Mechanic Mechanic Merchant Merchant
Nurse Nurse Old Man Small Old Man Painter Head Painter Party Girl Head Party Girl
Pirate Head Pirate Santa Face Santa Claus Steampunker Head Steampunker Stylist Head Stylist
TravellingMerchant Head Travelling Merchant Truffle Head Truffle Witch Doctor Head Witch Doctor Wizard Wizard
SkeletonMerchant Skeleton Merchant Tax Collector's Head Tax Collector Tavernkeep's Head Tavernkeep