The Skeleton Merchant is a travelling NPC similar to the Travelling Merchant who spawns underground in the Cavern Layer like bound NPCs, and despawns when the player no longer sees them on their screen. He has new offers at 4:30 A.M.
No-Eyed Wiley (Likely a reference to One-Eyed Willy from the 1985 movie Goonies.)
Rattles Magoo
The name Jack Sellington is a reference to Jack Skellington, from the movie, "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
The name Mandible Calavera is a reference to the game Grim Fandango.
The Skeleton Merchant is shorter than other skeletons in the game, and possibly the shortest of them all.
No-Eyed Wiley may be a reference to One-Eyed Willy from the movie "The Goonies".
Gloomy Mays may also be a reference to Billy Mays.
The quote, "You would not believe some of the things people throw at me... Wanna buy some of it?" may be a reference to Squirt the Peddler from Diablo 3.