The Sandgun's ammo is sand, which is affected by gravity, so it's possible to hit oneself. When the sand projectile hits any object, it will turn into a clump that will gather on the ground, making the ammo reusable. It can very quickly cause a mess, hence why it is banned on most online servers. However, it can be effective in creating walls and blocking off entrances quickly.
The Sandgun can also use Ebonsand Blocks, Crimsand Blocks and Pearlsand Blocks as ammo, on top of normal sand. The other types of sand will penetrate through targets.

The Sandgun in use.
- With the effects of Necro Armor or the hardmode ranged sets (chance not to use ammo) combined with the sand gun, a player can theoretically generate an infinite amount of sand, Ebonsand Blocks, Pearlsand Blocks, and Crimsand Blocks.
- Ebonsand, Pearlsand, and Crimsand Blocks can go through the enemies while regular sand can't.
- An easy method of obtaining the Antlion Mandibles (which is likely the only thing that is hard to get for the Sandgun) is visiting a desert biome with a Battle Potion and/or Water Candle, due to the increased spawn rate. All Antlion monsters have the ability to drop Antlion Mandibles with 33% chance.
- Sand has -1 damage value, resulting in 29 base damage.
- When shooting at an area where an object is in the background but still using the space, the sand that drops from the projectile will disappear.
- Sometimes firing the Sandgun in multiplayer, the server will kick you with the phrase "Trying to place impossible blocks", possibly because of the aforementioned bug.
- The Sandgun's texture uses the Illegal Gun Parts' texture for most of the gun. The barrel and the handle use the Illegal Gun Parts' texture. This is because the Sandgun was the only item that can be crafted from Illegal Gun Parts when that item was released.
- Despite the cost to obtain this weapon, it has a ridiculously low sell value, meaning it's easier to obtain modifiers because reforging cost is lowered.
Update Info[]
- Crimsand can now be used as ammo.
- Damage increased from 10 to 30.
- Speed increased from Fast to Very Fast.
- Can use Pearlsand and Ebonsand Blocks as ammo.
- Added to the game.