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For recipes used with Mythril Anvil, see Crafting/Mythril Anvil Crafting Recipes

The Mythril Anvil is crafted with 10 Mythril Bars at an Iron Anvil. The Mythril Anvil is required to make Mythril and better items. It can also be used to craft any item that would otherwise require an Iron Anvil, therefore eliminating the need for an Iron Anvil.


  • Hardmode boss-summoning items are crafted at this station, not the Demon Altar.
  • The Mythril Anvil acts like a background sprite, unlike the Iron Anvil: items cannot be placed on its surface.
  • The Mythril Anvil is two bars cheaper than its counterpart, the Orichalcum Anvil.
  • Despite the fact, that the tooltip says it craft items from Mythril, Orichalcum, Titanium, and Adamantite, it can craft anything

Update Info[]


  • Added to the game.

Items Requiring Mythril
Tools Mythril Drill · Mythril Chainsaw
Armor Mythril Hat · Mythril Helmet · Mythril Hood · Mythril Chainmail · Mythril Greaves
Weapons Light Disc · Mythril Repeater · Mythril Sword · Mythril Halberd
Other Mythril Bar · Mythril Anvil
Crafting Stations
Tiles 133  Adamantite Forge

Titanium Forge  Titanium Forge

Alchemy Station  Alchemy Station Tiles 101  Bookcase Crimson Altar2  Crimson Altar

Demon Altar  Demon Altar

Furnace  Furnace Hellforge02  Hellforge Tiles 16  Iron Anvil

LeadAnvil02  Lead Anvil

Tiles 86  Loom
Item 525 tile  Mythril Anvil

Orichalcum Anvil 01  Orichalcum Anvil

Tiles 106  Sawmill Tiles 114 Tinkerer's Workshop ChairTableChair with Table
Tiles 18  Work Bench Tiles 243  Imbuing Station AncientManipulator  Ancient Manipulator
Single Purpose Crafting Stations
Autohammer  Autohammer Tiles 217  Blend-O-Matic Bone Welder 01  Bone Welder Item 345 tile  Cooking Pot
Flesh Cloning Vat 01  Flesh Cloning Vat TerrariaGlassKiln2  Glass Kiln TerrariaHeavyWorkbench2  Heavy Work Bench Honey Dispenser 01  Honey Dispenser
Ice Machine 01  Ice Machine Tiles 94  Keg Lihzahrd Furnace 01  Lihzahrd Furnace Living Loom 01  Living Loom
Meat Grinder  Meat Grinder Sky Mill 021  Sky Mill Solidifier  Solidifier TerrariaSteampunkBoiler2  Steampunk Boiler