The Giant Tortoise is a Hard Mode monster that spawns in the Jungle. It has an approximate 5.88% chance to drop a Turtle Shell when killed, which are vital in creating Turtle Armor.
Combat style and attack[]
The Giant Tortoise has one main attack: it launches itself into the air and tries to fall on top of the player. It may also do this spinning move directly at the player on ground level. Being in water will cause it to do this move as a means of getting back onto dry land. If the player interrupts this move while the tortoise is in midair, it will cause it to drop to the ground turned over on its shell.
- It is highly recommended to fight this monster with melee weapons, as it does not appear to attack the player intentionally if they're next to it. Standing next to it will not trigger it's spinning move unless the player gets around 25-30 blocks away, giving them time to attack it while being near it. If it does launch itself in the air, the player can stop it mid-jump with a ranged weapon, or redirect its path while dealing heavy damage using a weapon such as the Ice or Death Sickle. Caution is advised when fighting this enemy, as the use of melee weapons still have the risk of accidentally coming in contact with it and taking serious damage. Constant damage will prevent action, so if melee weapons are not a safe option, hitting it with ranged weapons or spells to repeatedly stop its attack until it is defeated is recommended.
- They appear to be unable to pass through wooden platforms when charging, so it would be a viable option to duck underneath a platform if trying to escape from a Giant Tortoise and then attack it from below, which allows a safe killing of it.
- A Nimbus Rod can be effective in killing the tortoises if they get trapped in an area and can't pursue the player. It can then be taken down by the rod while the player keeps a safe distance.
- Its spinning charge attack could be a reference to Bowser's "Up Smash" attack in Super Smash Bros.
Update Info[]
- Added to the game.