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The World of Terraria consists of many different types of Environments, also known as Biomes contained within Layers. These environments are characterized by unique enemy spawns, block formation, loot tables, and oftentimes a background.

For a list of all pages pertaining to environments, see Category:Biomes.


The top of the map.

The sky is the area above the world. Most notably, it is the area in which Floating Islands are found, along with Harpies and, in Hardmode, Wyverns. At very high altitudes, near the world's upper boundary, the background changes to a black, starry scene and gravity is greatly reduced. This area is referred to as space.

Skybridges are commonly constructed at high altitudes for fast travel around the world.

The top-most underground layer (Dirt).
This area, despite being underground, is still considered to be above sea level. Therefore, the music will remain the same as the biome that's above it, and any monsters found within the dirt layer are also found on the surface, including Green, Blue, and Purple Slimes and at night - Zombies and Demon Eyes. If it's corrupted, hallowed, or crimsoned, the mobs that normally spawn at the surface will also spawn. You can also place blocks onto the background without needing to connect them to other blocks. Brown Chests are found most often here with very low powered loot.

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This layer is located just below sea level. You can tell when you've reached this layer when the background changes to a mix between dirt and stone, and when the music changes to the underground theme.

Gold and Brown Chests are found most often here.

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The Cavern layer comprises most of the Underground. After moving below a certain depth underground, lava starts to appear in place of water. In this area you can find the Glowing Mushroom Biome.

Gold Chests are found most often here.

Terraria environment underworld
Main article: The Underworld

The Underworld, also known as Hell, Hades Land, or the home of the lava is a hellish realm (about 3500 Feet below on Large maps and 1700 on Small ones) that can be reached by digging past the stone layer. It is very easily identified by its background of stone with veins of Lava. It is primarily made of Hellstone ore deposits surrounded by Ash Blocks, with extensive pools of Lava. Chests with unique loot can be found here. The chests in the underworld are mainly Shadow Chests and require a Shadow Key to open. Hellstone can be used to make molten tools and armor.

The Wall of Flesh is a boss that can be summoned by tossing a Guide Voodoo Doll (From a Voodoo Demon you killed) into one of the many pools of lava within the Underworld. Defeating it will activate Hard Mode for your world. After killing the WoF, it is possible to have the underworld become infected by the spreading biomes, the Corruption, Hallow or Crimson. The background color change indicates this. The Wall of Flesh must be beaten for any of these to occur, unless you bring biome-making tools from another world that has Hard Mode on.

Major Biomes

Terraria Forest Biome

The Purity(Previously known as 'forest') is composed mainly of Dirt Blocks and Trees, and occupy most of the surface. Enemies that spawn in the Purity are relatively weak, making the biome a good starting point for most players. It is also the spawn point for most worlds, as this biome is closer to the center, while other environments take the spaces closer to the edge. Also occasionally rain will happen in the biome. There is also a probability of storms during the rain.

Caves leading to The Underground are usually scattered throughout the biome. Vines grow below grass-covered dirt. Small and large pools of Water are also quite common.

Terraria Desert Background Scenery Landscape
3 Pyramids
Main article: Desert

Deserts are large areas consisting of Sand Blocks that are always generated in a new world. Two types of plants exist in the Desert: Cactus and Waterleaf, both of which are used in alchemy. The Desert is useful if you want to craft a large amount of Glass or the Sandgun. Pyramids will spawn in any desert where there is sufficient sand to contain one. One world can have multiple Deserts and Pyramids.

After Hard Mode is activated, Ebonsand, Pearlsand, or Crimsand will gradually take over the area, resulting in a corrupt, hallowed, or a crimson desert.

There are generally no chests here, except in pyramids.

Main article: Underground Desert
The Underground Desert an underground cave system similar in concept to the Underground Jungle. In contrast to the Underground Jungle, these caves are smaller, in respect to their function as a pre-hardmode region. Each cave is small, and often joins several others around it. The caves usually have a thin, 1-block wall between themselves and adjacent caves, or at least a very small gap. Either way, in order to properly explore this region, one must take the time to mine out blocks very frequently as they move along.

Terraria Ocean View
Main article: Ocean

Oceans are large bodies of Water that spawn on both ends of the map with large beaches of sand. They are the only place you can find Coral. Monsters in the ocean include Sharks, Crabs, Squid and Pink Jellyfish and have a chance to drop the Pirate Map if Hard Mode is activated.

Oceans typically have many water chests, which usually contain water-related items, such as the Trident, Flippers, and the Breathing Reed.

Oceans have 2 new backgrounds in 1.2, having 2 looks with one with moais (a reference to Easter Island) in 1 island but the others do not and one without them.

Main article: The Corruption

The Corruption forms during the creation of a map at a random position. In most cases there are 2 to 4 Corruptions per map. This biome has a chance to replace the Crimson entirely, making it impossible to have both of them without the Clentaminator. The Corruption spawns higher-level monsters regardless of time and thus should initially be avoided by low-level players. Shadow Orbs can be found here in deep caves called chasms. These chasms can reach all the way to the stone layer. If you happen to have Corrupt Seeds, you can create your own Corruption. Odd thorn-like bushes will grow here. Avoid these, as they will do damage.

Terraria Corruption Biome with Chasms

While Corruption is initially restricted to spreading through grassy Dirt Blocks, once the Wall of Flesh is defeated, the Corruption will begin to spread through Stone, Sand, Snow, Ice, and Mud Blocks at an advanced rate. Corruption that spreads to Mud turns the blocks into Dirt.

Underground Corruption

Underground Corruption

The Underground Corruption occurs when the Corruption spreads through the underground layer. Souls of Night are a resource unique to this biome when Hard Mode has been activated. While you can create this biome while not in Hardmode and Corruption can be naturally generated at underground level on world generation, the biome will not spawn any special mobs until the map becomes Hardmode.


Corrupted Desert

Main article: Corrupted Desert
The Corruption transforms sand blocks into Ebonsand Blocks.

Main article: The Crimson
The Crimson during the day.
A desert corrupted by The Crimson
The Crimson is a biome which was added in the PC 1.2 update. The biome is an alternate version of The Corruption, and has a 50% chance to replace the Corruption in newly created worlds. (Only one of the two can exist and fully form at the start of a new world.) Thus, it is functionally the same, with The Crimson spreading further in Hard-mode, corrupting Snow and Desert biomes as well. It has several new enemies, Pulsating Hearts that has the same uses as Shadow Orbs, and Crimson Altars which has a Demon Altar's function.

Hallowed biome
Main article: The Hallow

The Hallow is a magic-themed biome, and can be considered the antithesis of the Corruption. Hallowed ground will generate after the Wall of Flesh has been defeated and Hard Mode is unlocked. It will spawn on the opposite of the Corruption, and may even replace corrupted blocks. Like the Corruption, the Hallow can spread across dirt, stone, and sand, though unlike the Corruption, it cannot spread through mud.

Hallowed Desert

Main article: Hallowed Desert

This biome is formed naturally when the Hallow transforms sand blocks into Pearlsand Blocks.

Hallowed Ice

Main article: Hallowed Snow Biome

This biome is formed naturally when the Hallow transforms ice blocks into Pink Ice Blocks.

Underground Hallow

Main article: Underground Hallow
The Underground Hallow forms when the Hallow spreads through the underground layer. Crystal Shards and Souls of Light are resources unique to this biome.

The Jungle is a biome that exists both above ground and underground. It is usually located far away from the spawn point, at the opposite end from the Dungeon.

Surface Jungle

Terraria Surface Jungle
Main article: Surface Jungle

The Surface Jungle is a tree-filled biome containing decorative vines. The trees here grow without the need to plant Acorns, as long as there is Jungle Grass present. The Surface Jungle typically directly connects to the Underground Jungle. This Biome was added in the PC 1.0.4 update. Like most other biomes, the Surface Jungle has its own music. The Jungle is certainly less dangerous than the Underground Jungle, and yields Chest(s). However, it can still prove to be difficult for newer players because of the mobs.

Underground Jungle

Terraria environment underground jungle
Main article: Underground Jungle
The Underground Jungle is a very remote area of the World. It is often found beneath the jungle. Like Dungeons, these areas have few dead ends; however unlike Dungeons they are covered in plants. A tip of not getting lost is putting signs with important info like "No Outlet" "Not a through area", etc. Special items that are unique to the Underground Jungle are found in Jungle Shrines which are small buildings made of Gold Bricks that are spawned at random locations. You can often find a higher concentration of Ores like Gold, Silver, Iron, and Copper in the Underground Jungle, as well as the Jungle Temple, a small version of the dungeon where there are many different enemies, all very difficult.

Main article: Snow Biome
275px-Snow Biome
The Snow Biome is an icy area of the world comparable to the Jungle Biome. It has a unique surface and expansive underground made up of Snow Blocks, Ice Blocks and Slush Blocks. On the surface, players will find Ice Slimes and Zombie Eskimos (at night). During a rain storm, the ice biome will have a Blizzard. Once players reach hardmode, Ice Elementals will spawn, Wolfs will spawn at night, and Ice Golems will spawn during a Blizzard.
Snow biome underground

Underground, players will find the Cyan Beetles, Ice Bats, the Spiked Ice Slimes, the Snow Flinxs, Undead Vikings, and the Mother Slime. Players can also find Ice Chests with unique snow biome items.

The Snow Biome can be Corrupted/Crimsoned and Hallowed during hardmode.

Terraria environment dungeon
Main article: Dungeon

The Dungeon is an enormous building found close to the edge of a generated World, spanning many layers deep. It is filled with locked chests that contain unique items.

There is only one Dungeon in each World, although a player may create new Worlds and plunder the Dungeons to gain additional items. Rarely, the Dungeon can get cut off by the ocean and only have the Old Man. Digging down through the sand can most often reveal the buried Dungeon.

The Dungeon's upper level is home to an Old Man, which will turn into Skeletron should the player talk to him at night, or summon a Dungeon Guardian if the player attempts to enter the dungeon without killing him first.

Minor Biomes

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The Glowing Mushroom Biome is in the stone layer of the world. Dart Traps seem to be more common here, with the usually being one or more per biome. Breaking the glowing mushrooms or the giant glowing mushrooms may yield some mushroom grass seeds.

In the new 1.2 update, this biome can also be found and possibly generated over-world. The planted mushroom grass does grow above sea level but at much slower pace. This Surface Glowing Mushroom Biome has slightly different trees and is required for the NPC, Truffle.

A crater, caused by a Meteorite landing.
Main article: Meteorite
Meteorites have a 50% chance to spawn when you break a Shadow Orb during the night, and can also spawn randomly during the night. Meteorites are composed of Meteorite Ore, which deals damage to the player unless an Obsidian Skull, Obsidian Shield, or Obsidian Horseshoe is equipped. Meteorite Ore can be used to make Meteorite Bars, which can be used to make: Meteor Armor, Meteor Hamaxe, Meteor Shots, Phaseblades, Space Guns and Star Cannons. Meteor Heads also spawn around here.

Some player’s in a Graveyard.
Main article: Graveyard
The Graveyard is a mini-biome that officially released with the 1.4 Journey’s End update. This mini-biome has no brand new mobs but will summon Ghost’s, Raven’s, etc. This mini-biome has ominous fog, increased mob spawn rates, ghost’s & raven’s, and gravestones. In a graveyard mini-biome, it will always be night time. In a graveyard mini-biome, the spawn rates of night time mobs are also increased.

An Oasis inside of a desert.
Main article: Oasis
An Oasis is a common mini-biome for the desert that has a lot of plant life. This mini-biome spawns in most desert. This biome has most of the regular desert mobs. The Oasis mini-biome has a lake, cattails, Bugs, palm trees, three different types of flowers, mini cactus‘s, and small fossil heads as decoration.

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Main article: Floating Islands

Floating Islands are masses of land that appear in the sky. They consist of dirt blocks and clouds. Rain clouds will also spawn around the island. Many Floating Islands also have a building made of Disc which contains a Skyware Chest. In the chest there will be a Shiny Red Balloon, Lucky Horseshoe, or a Starfury along with other various items. Harpies, as well as the Wyvern are unique to Floating Islands. Floating Islands are more difficult to find on a large map without the use of a Sky Bridge or Gravitation Potion, but it is considerably easier on a Small map. If you have Guns, you can use Meteor Shot, (crafted from Meteorite Bar(s), which bounce off of blocks), to find a floating island as well. The Water Bolt spell could also be useful, if you are patient enough for it to bounce back. Meteors have been known to occasionally hit these.

Floating Islands are also known as Sky Islands or Skylands. Floating Islands near the edges of the world can have a Goblin Scout spawn on them.

Three hives close to each other
Main article: Hive_Biome
The Bee Hive is found in the Underground Jungle and is composed of Hive blocks and Hive Walls. The only liquid found in this biome is Honey. Inside the Hive, one can find Larva Sacs, each containing a Larva, which will eventually summon the Queen Bee boss once destroyed.

Main article: Spider Nest

The Spider Nest is an area in the stone layer that has a rare chance to appear. Within it, one can find Wall Creepers and Web Covered Chests. In Hard Mode, Black Recluse spiders will spawn. Spider Web spawns at a very rapid rate after being removed, making these a good place to farm Silk.

It is also the only place you can get the Web Slinger.

Main article: Lihzahrd Temple
Terraria 1

The Lihzahrd Temple is a dungeon-like mini environment that spawns its own unique enemies and traps. It is also home to one of the major bosses, Golem.

It is very often found deep in the underground jungle near the lava layer, but can also be found near the surface or in the middle of the jungle.

Main article: Gemstone Cave
Gem Cave UserPic1

Gemstone Cave can be found underground within the stone layer.

They are characterized by having a Gem themed backwall (probably the same colors of the gem which is found inside the cave), which can be removed with a hammer, but cannot be collected. The caves also consist of a high concentration of gems scattered along the walls of the cave. Any type of gems can be found in these caves and sometimes even different types of gems.

They can usually be found around 1000 feet below on large maps, 700-900 on medium maps, and around 600 on small maps.

Main article: Granite Biome

Granite Caves are large, bubbly-shaped caves that occur underground in the cave layer. They do not appear as frequently as Marble Caves. Granite Caves are made up of granite blocks and walls, and can feature pools and various objects of interest on the ground.

It is recommended to view the image at its full resolution, due to the darkness of the blocks in Granite Caves

Main article: Marble Biome
Marble Caves are horizontal, open caves that occur throughout the entire cave layer and lower. They are composed of marble blocks and walls, with some objects of interest on the ground. These caves intersect nearly everything, including the Undergound Jungle, Bee Hives, other cave systems, etc. Marble Caves are more susceptible to intersection by naturally-forming minecart rails than other biomes. Medusa also has a chance of spawning in Marble Caves.

Other biomes

Sword Shrine

The Sword Shrine is a rare biome that can be found underground. The biome contains a rock 'shrine' inside that may or may not contain a weapon. It is a 1/3 chance to be a real weapon, and a 2/3 chance to be a fake. Usually a long hidden vertical shaft will lead to the shrine. Additionally, The real shrine has a 9/10 chance to be an Enchanted Sword, and a rare 1/10 chance to be an Arkhalis.
