Terraria Wiki
Terraria Wiki

The Endless Quiver is an item that is equipped in the ammo slot. While equipped, it serves as an infinite supply of Wooden Arrows, although these arrows can be affected by any bow that changes the type of arrow fired, such as the Marrow or Molten Fury. It is the arrow counterpart to the Endless Musket Pouch.


  • This item is best paired with a bow that modifies arrows as they are fired, like the Shadowflame Bow or Pulse Bow.
  • Always having an Endless Quiver is a very good backup in case the player runs out of arrows in a time where it is needed to fight, regardless of its low damage.
  • Assuming you buy all the arrows, it costs 1 gold, 99 silver, and 80 copper to make this item because each arrow costs 5 copper instead of 10.

Update Info[]


  • Added to the game.

Chlorophyte arrow  Chlorophyte Arrow Cursed Arrow  Cursed Arrow Flaming Arrow  Flaming Arrow Frostburn Arrow  Frostburn Arrow Hellfire Arrow  Hellfire Arrow
Holy Arrow  Holy Arrow Ichor Arrow  Ichor Arrow Jester's Arrow  Jester's Arrow Luminite Arrow  Luminite Arrow Spectral Arrow  Spectral Arrow
Unholy arrow1  Unholy Arrow Venom Arrow  Venom Arrow Vulcan Bolt  Vulcan Bolt Wooden_Arrow  Wooden Arrow
Chlorophyte bullet  Chlorophyte Bullet Terraria Crystal Bullet  Crystal Bullet Cursed Bullet  Cursed Bullet Exploding Bullet  Exploding Bullet Golden Bullet  Golden Bullet
High Velocity Bullet  High Velocity Bullet Ichor Bullet  Ichor Bullet Luminite Bullet  Luminite Bullet Terraria Meteor shot  Meteor Shot Terraria Musket Ball  Musket Ball
Nano Bullet  Nano Bullet Party Bullet  Party Bullet Terraria Silver bullet  Silver Bullet Venom Bullet  Venom Bullet
Solutions (Clentaminator)
Blue Solution  Blue Solution Dark Blue solution  Dark Blue Solution Green Solution  Green Solution Purple solution  Purple Solution Red Solution  Red Solution
Rocket i  Rocket I Rocket ii  Rocket II Rocket iii  Rocket III Rocket iv  Rocket IV
Candy Corn  Candy Corn Coins  Coins Blue Flare  Blue Flare Cannonball  Cannonball Explosive Bunny  Explosive Bunny
Explosive Jack 'O Lantern(0)  Explosive Jack 'O Lantern FallenStar  Fallen Star Flare  Flare Gel  Gel Nail  Nail
Poison Dart  Poison Dart Sand Block  Sand Block Terraria Seed  Seed Snowball  Snowball Stynger Bolt  Stynger Bolt
Stake  Stake