The Dungeon Slime is a large, purple slime that, as its name would suggest, only spawns in Dungeons. It is the size of a Mother Slime and is always aggressive (Unless the player equips Royal Gel which turns it passive). It will always drop a Golden Key, which can be used to unlock Gold Chests found within the Dungeon. Like all slimes, it's immune to poisoned and venom debuffs.
- The Golden Key can be seen inside of it much like the Ninja inside of King Slime, or the Umbrella sticking out of an Umbrella Slime.
- Dungeon Slimes are helpful if the players are out of keys, because of this guaranteed drop.
- Dungeon Slimes seem to spawn anywhere throughout the dungeon.
- Unlike most other slimes, the Dungeon Slime doesn't drop gel.
Update Info[]
- Added to the game.