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Terraria Wiki

The Discount Card is a rare accessory that drops from all Pirate Invasion monsters, excluding the Parrot. When equipped, it reduces shop prices by 20%.


  • If the Discount Card is equipped while a shop is open, the prices will still be normal and the player must re-open the shop for the prices to change. (Possibly a bug?)
  • The 20% discount also applies to the cost of reforging items at the Goblin Tinkerer.
    • Also, If you equip Discount Card when reforging is open, the price will automatically change, unlike shops.
  • The Discount is not applied to items sold by the Tavernkeep, which costs Defender Medals rather than coins.

Update Info[]


  • Added to the game.

Discount Card - Terraria Guide New Discount Accessory for Reforging Items!
