The Demon is a flying enemy which resides in the Underworld biome. Demons use the Demon Scythe spell as their attack, and, like all other monsters, damage the player upon contact. It can drop the Demon Scythe spell as a rare drop. The Demon's attack can cause the debuff "Darkness", but touching the Demon will not inflict the debuff. The demon is also immune to lava.
- The Demon has a variation that carries the Guide Voodoo Doll, named Voodoo Demon.
- When making a house in the Underworld, keep in mind that the Demon Scythe can occasionally hurt you if your walls are only one block thick. This only happens if you are hugging the wall, so a good strategy when surrounded is to get away from the walls and use a spell such as Vilethorn to hit through the walls. The Demon will attack from far so make sure to have ranged weapons.
- The Demon's Scythe attack is very similar to the scythe attack of the Grim Reaper and Imp from the popular series Castlevania.
Update Info[]
- New sounds added.
- Now drops the Demon Banner.
- Damage reduced from 50 to 32.
- Attack pattern modified to swooping lunges, rather than hanging close to the player.
- No longer attacks when blocked.
- Added to the game.