The Daedalus Stormbow is a possible drop from the Hallowed Mimic. Instead of firing normally, when used, the player holds the bow upwards, and arrows rain from the sky. It shoots several arrows in a row, although the accuracy is bad. This weapon is like a combination of Chlorophyte Shotbow and Starfury. The bow is extremely useful for the Destroyer fight, and getting one makes the fight very easy.
- A player can acquire this weapon easily in early-hardmode. This would require some empty chests that they don't mind losing, and some farming for Souls of Light in the Underground Hallow. The fight against the Hallowed Mimic is also not very hard.
- The Stormbow has a tendency, much like the Starfury, to strike caves or objects above the user instead of directly hitting their targets. With this in mind, it is best used in wide open areas.
- However, usually the arrows spawn off-screen and can potentially pass through ceilings if they spawn below them.
- This bow always destroys fired arrows. Therefore, the Endless Quiver pairs well with it, because the player won't need to worry about ammunition.
- The Daedalus Stormbow and Hellfire Arrows work well together, effectively carpet bombing any monsters hit.
- If combined with Holy Arrows, this Bow will easily defeat the three Mechanical bosses, and will also defeat Plantera very quickly provided you mine a large enough area above Plantera in order for the arrows to reach you.
- If the player has a bunker-like structure built, this weapon can defeat Martian Saucers without a scratch to the player because of its unique firing style that works well with an enclosed bunker.
Update Info[]
- Added to the game.