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Terraria Wiki

Not to be confused with Blue Phaseblade.

The Blue Phasesaber is a Broadsword that emits light when swung. It is an early hardmode weapon that can be acquired after the player defeats the Wall of Flesh and finds the Underground Hallow biome.

It is a near identical version of the Blue Phaseblade except that it is slightly larger version that inflicts 20 additional damage and can attack continuously while the left mouse button is held down, similar to the Muramasa. This additional damage also grants it a higher overall DPS (Damage Per Second) than even the Adamantite Sword (102.5 to 99.8), making it the best sword until obtaining Excalibur. Because of this and the fact that Crystal Shards are easily obtainable in the Underground Hallow, the Phasesaber is an excellent and worthwhile weapon to craft as soon as you can after entering Hardmode.

Phasesaber Variations[]

All phasesabers have the same stats. The only difference is in their color and crafting recipes.

Terraria Using Blue Phaseblade


  • Phasesabers appear to be based on Lightsabers from the Star Wars franchise. They even go so far as to include the humming sound effect and the emitted light when swung.
  • The Phasesaber and its "younger brother" are the only two weapons that can have variations in color without any change to stats
  • For mobile players, this is the best pre-hardmode sword in the game, since crystal shards can be dropped by an Arch Demon.

Update Info[]


  • Now requires a Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil to craft.


  • Added to the game.

Terraria Wooden Sword  Wooden Sword Item 656(0)  Rich Mahogany Sword Item 2745o  Boreal Wood Sword Item 2517o  Palm Wood Sword
Item 653(0)  Ebonwood Sword Item 921(0)  Shadewood Sword Terraria Copper Broadsword  Copper Broadsword Tin Broadsword  Tin Broadsword
Terraria Iron Broadsword  Iron Broadsword Lead Broadsword  Lead Broadsword Terraria Silver Broadsword  Silver Broadsword Tungsten Broadsword  Tungsten Broadsword
Terraria Gold Broadsword  Gold Broadsword Platinum Broadsword  Platinum Broadsword Item 1304  Zombie Arm Item 881o  Cactus Sword
Item 3772o  Mandible Blade Stylish Scissors  Stylish Scissors Bone Sword  Bone Sword Item 1909o   Candy Cane Sword
Item 2273o  Katana Terraria Light's Bane  Light's Bane Item 3349(0)  Exotic Scimitar Item 795(0)  Blood Butcherer
Purple Clubberfish  Purple Clubberfish Falcon Blade  Falcon Blade
Terraria Copper Shortsword  Copper Shortsword Tin Shortsword  Tin Shortsword Terraria Iron Shortsword  Iron Shortsword Lead Shortsword  Lead Shortsword
Terraria Silver Shortsword  Silver Shortsword Tungsten Shortsword  Tungsten Shortsword Terraria Gold Shortsword  Gold Shortsword Platinum Shortsword  Platinum Shortsword
Unique Swords
Phasesaber 18p  Phaseblades Ice Blade  Ice Blade Item 65(0)  Starfury EnchantedSword  Enchanted Sword
Arkhalis  Arkhalis Bee Keeper  Bee Keeper Terraria Muramasa  Muramasa Blade of Grass  Blade of Grass
Terraria Firey Greatsword  Fiery Greatsword Terraria Night's Edge  Night's Edge
Hardmode Broadswords
Pearlwood Sword  Pearlwood Sword Cobalt Sword  Cobalt Sword Item 1185o  Palladium Sword Item 484(0)  Mythril Sword
Item 1192o  Orichalcum Sword Adamantite Sword  Adamantite Sword Titanium Sword  Titanium Sword Item 3351o  Classy Cane
Item 3258o  Slap Hand Breaker Blade  Breaker Blade Item 672o  Cutlass Keybrand  Keybrand
Hardmode Unique Swords
Phasesaber 18p  Phasesabers Item 1306o  Ice Sickle Brand of the Inferno  Brand of the Inferno Frostbrand  Frostbrand