- For a list of all banners, see Category:Banners
A Banner is a furniture item that acts like a painting, however, it can be hung from the ceiling. There are four types of craftable banners as well as 106 other banners which can be obtained from natural buildings or by killing monsters.
As of, banners are automatically deposited into the inventory of the player to kill every 50th of a specific type of mob. If the inventory is full at the time, the banner will be dropped to the ground.
Additionally, Creature Banners now radiate an aura, reducing damage from the specific mob from the banner, and increasing damage done by the player to those mobs.
- A banner can be removed with a Pickaxe or by destroying the block it hangs from.
- Despite the coloring, dye is not required in the crafting of any banner.
- Banners are all 3 blocks tall.
- Banners are created at a loom.
Update Info[]
- Banners are now obtained automatically in the player's inventory when the player has killed 50 of any specific mob.
- Banners can now increase the player's defense and offense on a monster based on the monster that dropped the banner.
- About 80 new types of banners are now dropped from monsters with an enemy-themed style.
- New uncraftable variations of banners are now available in Dungeons, Floating Island houses, and Pyramids.
- Added to the game.