Terraria Wiki
Terraria Wiki

The Announcement Box is a variation on the regular Sign, with the added ability to post whatever is written on the sign, to the chat. Wiring is needed to activate this feature.

In addition of displaying text, the Announcement Box also support text formatting, allowing the player to change features such as text color or display an item, achievement or glyph in the chat. This feature makes the Announcement Box a very useful sign to use in custom and adventure maps.

Down below is a list showing some command parameters compatible exclusively with the Announcement Box. Parameters must be placed within [brackets].

Code Syntax Example Output
Text Color [c/<hexadecimal code>:] [c/DDCC00:It's a sunny day!] Will display: It's a sunny day!
Item Display [i/sXX:n] or [i/pXX:n]. sXX= "Stack amount"; pXX = "Prefix ID"; n="Item ID" [i/p81:4]


Will display an Iron Broadsword with the Legendary prefix.

Will display a stack of 25 Iron Bars.

Achievement Display [a:NAME]. NAME= Achievement's Name. [a:BONED] Will display the achievement in the chat. You can then click the achievement name to open up the achievement menu at its position.
Glyph [g/#]. #= Any number between 0 and 25. [g/5] Will display the "Start" controller button.

Multiple command brackets can be applied in a single string and will chain together upon activation, for instance inputting "[g:16][g:16][g:15][g:15][g:14][g:13][g:14][g:13][g:1][g:0][g:5]" will display the Konami Code on the chat.


  • The Announcement Box idea came from Master Geass, a user in the official Terraria Forums. The original post can be found here.

Update Info[]


  • Added to the game.