The Ancient Necro Helmet is a head slot piece of Armor that is an uncommon drop from skeleton mobs such as Angry Bones and Dark Caster within the Dungeon. It possesses the same stats as the Necro Helmet and can be used to replace the helmet within the Necro Armor set (Providing the same armor effect).
- The Ancient necro helmet appears in terraria's first trailer between 1:10 and 1:20 (worn by the player "Coldwin"). This might mean that the ancient necro helmet was the sprite of necro armor before release. However, what counters this idea is that Blue shows off the necro armor in PaperbatVG's pre-release series on episode 23 - Dynamic Duo where the necro armor looks like a skull with a horn. The two videos were released within 2 weeks of each other, so it is possible a sprite change occurred.
Update Info[]
- Added to the game.